<< WIN Sandwiched by my wife and her sister (18+) *2010*
Sandwiched by my wife and her sister (18+) *2010*
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://mangagamer.com/r18/Titles/Details/23301DD8-FF55-461E-B7FC-DC0E75BA9E17/sandwiched-by-my-wife-and-her-sister
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Post Description

I was planning to spend our first wedding anniversary with Ayane, just the
two of us.

That's when Ayane's sister, Maya, burst into our house. She demanded to
stay after she chowed down the special food I prepared.

You've got to be kidding me!!!
While I was making a fuss, Ayane was called in for work.
The sister who is as rude as can be, and I, still very much stunned, are
left behind.
My gosh!! She opened a brand new bottle without asking and started to

Damn, this isn't how I wanted to spend the anniversary.

I started to drink as if there was no tomorrow.
When I think of it now, that was the beginning of this whole mess.

I really don't know exactly what happened.
When I realized, Maaya was under me panting.

Since that day, I make love to Maaya everyday.
Of course, Ayane doesn't know anything, and I make love to her too.

I started to live the double life.
I can't turn back now.

I love Ayane.
But... what should I do?

Gespot in:
- a.b.scary.exe.files

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