<< MP3 (audiobook) Thich Nhat Hanh - The Present Moment
(audiobook) Thich Nhat Hanh - The Present Moment
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Thich Nhat Hanh - The Present Moment ( A retreat on the practice of mindfulness)

6 cd"s
Running time: 6 hours 48 minutes

Buddhism teaches that the present moment contains the seeds of all possiblities for our lives: freedom from suffering; true compassion for others; and a calm, spacious mind that welcomes change.

Originally recorded at a week-long retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh, The Present Moment shares the essential Buddhist practices designed to "touch the energy of mindfulness" that we carry within us. It is through these time-honored teachings that anyone can open the seeds of joy that are always present and waiting to change our lives.

Through easy-to-follow exercises, you will learn a treasury of meditations to help you walk, breathe, communicate &#151; even cope with traffic &#151; more deeply and consciously.


CD One: The bell of mindfulness; celebration of life as a sangha (spiritual community); practice of mindful breathing; how to establish yorself in the present moment; walking meditation ; the secret of living deeply; banishing forgetfulness; telephone meditaiton; more.

CD Two: "I have arrived" practice; taking refuge in the island of Self; your breathing as the living Dharma (truth); Nirvana as our own true nature; non-fear as the greates benefit of practice; the Five Skandhas (form, feelings, perception, metal formation, and consciousness); store consciousness and mind consciousness; Bija (seeds); the Five Wonderful Precepts; more.

CD Three: Inviting the Bell (exercise); history of the "Day of Mindfulness"; touching anger; how to use the Five Remembrances (old age, sickness, death , impermanence, karma) to face fear; the gift of your presence; the Buddha"s teaching of the "Four Nutriments"; the importance of Sangha; more.

CD Four: The Five Prostrations (including a special sixth prostration for those born into another spiritual tradition); surrenduring the notion of annihilation; joyful acceptance of change; deep relaxation (exercise); self-healing Sister Chan Khong sings poems and prayers; more.

CD Five: The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara; the practice of listening deeply; finding the things which bring you joy (exercise); making peace with your parents; the emptiness of transmission; "hungry ghosts" as the most improtant phenomenon of our time; how to connect with your original spiritual tradition; more.

CD Six: What is the present moment? Q&A session; the ultimate reality; being and non-being; koan of the original face; the Heart Sutra; helping the dying; story of Anathapindika; more.

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, scholar, poet, and peace activist. During the war in Vietnam, he worked tirelessly for reconciliation between North and South Vietnam. His lifelong efforts to generate peace moved Martin Luther King Jr. to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967. He lives in a small community in France where he teaches, writes, gardens, and works to help refugees worldwide. Thich Nhat Hanh has conducted many mindfulness retreats in Europe and North America helping veterans, children, environmentalists, psychotherapists, artists and many thousands of individuals seeking peace in their hearts, and in their world.

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