<< WIN Videohive Top Notch Cinema4D AE project
Videohive Top Notch Cinema4D AE project
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 438.48 MB
Website http://videohive.net/item/topnotch/201921
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Post Description

This cinema 4D project file is , very easy to customize and fast to render. In Cinema change the text and render in the destination folder. In AE drag and drop your footage (960×540) in the place holders.

I made this file for users with no experience in Cinema4D.

You will need the mograph module.

If you know your way in C4D , better for you, play around and have fun. By following the simple instructions in the video tuts, you will be able to customize and render this animation.

The soundtrack is included in the file.

OF+Trapocode where prerender (png sequence). Original layers can be edit.
This file can be open in different language without expression error thanks to the


Link the the fonts is included. For the final AE text i used Helvetica Neue,and Arial

For most advanced user, I've included all layers of instruments and sound FX in order for you to create your own sound edit based on you need.

Almost all the C4d animation are with an In and OUT transition, so you can mix the comps in different ways, and match the sound, for a unique and reusable animation

Really i can say that this file is made and organize with beginners in mind.

Render time are shorts, the AE customization very simple. 27 minutes for the AE,and longer C4D render 13 minutes.(most of them 3/4 minutes) (8 core 16 gb Ram)

The final result is an impacting broadcast 3d animation,with stunning sound track ready to go. Give it a try,and let me know :)

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