<< WIN The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned
The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=The+Zombie+Island+of+Dr.+Ned
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The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned

The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned is an add-on pack for Borderlands with new enemy types, new missions, and new ... urprises. The Jakobs Corporation would like to invite you to experience the splendor of a corporate owned small town known as Jakobs Cove. Any rumors you may have heard about the "undead" walking our streets are completely preposterous and we officially deny them all. If those rumors turn out to be true simply purchase a firearm from the conveniently located Jakobs Brand Vending Machines and aim for the head. Also, would you mind saving our employees?

Staat in a.b.mom

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