<< DivX BBC Lost Land Of The Volcano
BBC Lost Land Of The Volcano
Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 2.46 GB
Website http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00m82h7
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Post Description

Series combining stunning wildlife with high-octane adventure, as a team of 
scientists and wildlife filmmakers from the BBC's Natural History Unit explores
one of the last great unspoilt jungle wildernesses on earth.

New Guinea is a rugged tropical island that is home to some of the strangest
creatures on the planet. The team is based at the foot of Mount Bosavi, a giant
extinct volcano covered in thick and largely unexplored rainforest. With the
help of trackers from a remote tribe, they aim to search for the animals that
live there - and they make amazing finds.


Wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan discovers the nest of the world's smallest
parrot, insect expert Dr George McGavin finds a talking beetle, the scientists
identify types of frog, gecko and bat that are completely new to science, and
adventurer Steve Backshall has to live and sleep underground as he explores a
cave system flooded with white water.

The cameras follow the team every sweaty step of the way as they search for the
evidence that may help preserve this last great jungle forever.


The second part of this exploration series combining stunning wildlife with
high energy adventure.

A team of scientists and wildlife filmmakers have made base camp on a remote
extinct volcano at the heart of the tropical island of New Guinea. Their aim is
to search the thick jungle for the weird and endangered animals that hide
there. Now they are pushing deeper into the rainforest, and cameraman Gordon
Buchanan enlists the help of a tribe to find and film the extraordinary birds
of paradise as they perform their bizarre courtship displays.

George MacGavin has to manhandle a giant crocodile, and Steve Backshall is
living deep underground where he discovers a new cave system never seen by


Steve Backshall heads a team descending into the crater of a giant extinct volcano covered in thick jungle. Deep in the heart of the remote island of New
Guinea, this lost land is protected on all sides by fortress walls half a mile
high. They are the first outsiders ever to penetrate this hidden world which
biologists have long believed could be home to spectacular new creatures.

George McGavin travels east to an erupting volcano and discovers a rare bird
that depends on the hot ash for its survival. Sudden explosions bring the trip
to a quick halt as giant boulders crash into camp.

The series culminates in the lost world of the crater as Steve and wildlife
cameraman Gordon Buchanan discover two large mammals that have no fear of
people and are brand new species: a giant rat that is as big as a cat, and a
cuscus, which is a tree-climbing marsupial.

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