<< DVD5 Woke Up Dead (2010) NTSC
Woke Up Dead (2010) NTSC
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Category Image
LanguageEnglish subtitles (available)
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://imdb.com/title/tt1222663/
Sender BoH_BoH_MaN
Tag Twilight_Team;BoH_BoH_Spot_MaN        
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Nieuwe release van het : Twilightzone-Team

Woke Up Dead (2010) NTSC DVDR-MADE

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Comedy | Horror


Actors: Jon Heder, Krysten Ritter, Josh Gad, Daniel Roebuck, Wayne Knight

Writers: John Fasano


In this Shaun of the Dead style zombie comedy, Drex Greene (Napoleon Dynamite&#146;s Jon Heder), a confused zombie who can&#146;t be any deader, tries to solve the case of the mystery pill that left him drowned in a bathtub. With the help of his wannabe filmmaker roommate Matt (The Daily Show's Josh Gad) and the sexy med student Cassie (Breaking Bad's Krysten Ritter), who first discovers Drex as he unzips himself from his own body bag, the three begin to uncover leads about why his death didn&#146;t stick, why a mystery online chat buddy is after him and why he&#146;s starting to show signs of superpowers. Will they figure out why Drex is only sort of dead? Will Cassie discover ancient Zombie secrets? Will Matt get a film career out of it? Or is falling in love actually what Drex needs to do to stay alive?

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