<< x264HD Ice Road Truckers - Seizoen 7 - Episode 5.
Ice Road Truckers - Seizoen 7 - Episode 5.
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 1.3 GB
Website http://www.history.com
Sender Frank (o6v4ZA)                
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Post Description

Episode 5 - World war Hugh.

In the war for supremacy on the winter roads, Polar Industries has pulled ahead of rival VP Express. But VP boss Hugh Rowland isn't ready to go down without a fight. To keep his half million dollar Wasagamack contract moving, Hugh hits the road on his own. But trouble strikes when his trailer brakes go out. VP rookie Todd Dewey gets sent on a solo mission behind Hugh. To prove he's got what it takes to run on North America's toughest roads, he's determined to catch up to the boss. Art Burke must watch the action from the sidelines as his truck is still suffering in the shop. Polar scores a lucrative contract hauling million dollar parts for a water treatment plant. Darrell Ward successfully completes the mission, but after truck problems delay his trip, Alex Debogorski is forced to leave a day late. Hauling a school bus, Alaskan icon Lisa Kelly must pass along a thin crossing only moments after a rival trucker pressures the ice with a forty ton load.

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