<< WIN Storm Over the Pacific v1 02 Update
Storm Over the Pacific v1 02 Update
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Storm Over the Pacific v1 02 Update-SKIDROW

Storm Over the Pacific v1.02
- Tutorial description corrected
- Corrected invisibility of all units in China Campaign 1941 ChangeSMP event method corrected and now working for proper country
- Corrected CTD caused by unloading troops from amph transport in friendly territory
- Corrected all Guadalcanal reinforcements
- Corrected reinforcements event that caused Guadalcanal C to crash
- Screen now centered on unit when pressing TAB Amhp invasion now possible on hexes controlled or owned instead of owned by enemy
- Sea Zones names now visible
- Corrected CTD when after separate airstrike land unit is destroyed
- Corrected flags of North and South Korea
- Fixed info about strength of the unit after invasion
- Soviets are less willing to attack Japan early in the game
- Corrected triggers for Soviet attack on Manchuria events
- Shore bombardment corrected
- USA will use more randomized units during invasions (Pacific)
- USA will defend it"s coast against upcoming invasion (Pacific)
- AI more willing to attack enemy navy at

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