<< WIN Windows System Control Center v4.0.1.0 Commercial
Windows System Control Center v4.0.1.0 Commercial
Category Applications
GenreSecurity software
GenreSystem software
Date 5 years, 6 months
Size 5.49 MB
Spotted with Spotnet 1.8.5
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Windows+System+Control+Center+v4.0.1.0+Commercial
Sender Hoodlum (gS8aNA)                
Searchengine Search
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Post Description

WSCC allows you to install, update, execute and organize the utilities from various system utility suites.
WSCC can install and update the supported utilities automatically. Alternatively, WSCC can use the http protocol
to download and run the programs.

The interface is very simple and intuitive, thus allowing any type of user to find their way around it, regardless
of their previous experience with the IT world. Aside from that, it consists of a folder structure and a panel in
which to view details. Upon first launching the utility, you can see a list of software products you can install,
such as DiskMon, PortMon, TagsReport, Page Defrag and Autoruns, along with some short descriptions. This tool also
enables you to quickly access a console, so that you can execute command line applications.

The view type can be changed, from a detailed one, to icons and reports. In addition to that, you can show hidden
items, add tools to favorites, search for them online and view properties. From the settings panel, the application
can be minimized to the tray, so as not to become obtrusive. Plus, you can view tooltips, check for updates,
configure the search to look in software descriptions, scan while typing, as well as customize the console
(background color, opacity and font). To sum up, WSCC - Windows System Control Center is a useful piece of software,
when it comes to managing utilities from the Windows Sysinternals suit, view, execute and add them to favorites.
It does not put a strain on your PC’s performance and the response time is very good. Our tests did not reveal any
errors, bugs, or crashes.

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