<< WIN LyricsTextScroller V 5.55
LyricsTextScroller V 5.55
Category Applications
Date 5 years, 11 months
Size 18.89 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website http://users.telenet.be/textscroller/
Sender BachelorBoy (DDs5jQ)                
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Post Description

Scroll text whit or without chords for sevaral instruments or for text only.
Easy get text from internet sites, adjust text and/or chords, vary the scrolling speed repeat parts of an mp3. Write down the textes from mp3 by slowing dow its speed. Missing chords can be made in a blink of an eye.
There is a possibility to play a song transponed and to save the transponed file.If playing an mp3 the mp3 can reversed for 15 seconds, this for learning purposals, text stop scrolling that time. The program showns the use chords. The programma is usable for experienced players but also for beginners. The programmer free offers help if any a problem occeurs.
The program has 7 language, Frech, English, Dutch, German, African and Danish but any language can be add.
Almost anything can be set to personal choises.

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