<< WIN The Complete Genealogy Builder+Reporter.v2012.120929-BandUlU
The Complete Genealogy Builder+Reporter.v2012.120929-BandUlU
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 12.18 MB
Website http://www.tcgr.bufton.org/
Sender BanDulu1 (0AlqIA)                
Tag Bandulu        
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Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

The Complete Genealogy Builder is a new genealogy data management program that provides 99.9% genealogy data standards compliance via a user interface that delivers maximum data visibility, rapid navigation capability,  and layered data entry forms. 

Whether you are starting from scratch or seeking a better alternative to your existing genealogy data management program, there is no other known product that is more standards compliant, that provides the full range of GEDCOM-standard data fields, and that supports all international (Unicode) character sets.

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