<< WIN FS2004 Punta Cana
FS2004 Punta Cana
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://secure.simmarket.com/tropicalsim-punta-cana-x-generation.phtml
Sender mramsterdam
Tag fs2004        
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Post Description

TropicalSim has listened to it's customers and have not only released an FSX version for the airoport, but has brought the 3 year old Punta Cana scenery to today's standards with a whole new groundwork, and a major overhaul of textures and 3d objects. New to this version is the fire department and the air conditioned terminal, both items which are quite recent. The runway has also been textured as the real runway of the airport, while still having the FSX rain effects (FSX version only), giving the airport an unique look and feel. The FSX version also has a few more cars in the front of the terminals and will also have nearby roads created with FSX's vehicle traffic turning the runway 9 approach as real as it gets. If you have been to Punta Cana or have seen pictures, with TropicalSim Punta Cana you'll surely feel "there" when enjoying your flying experience.
Carefully detailed 3d objects
Full night illumination
FSX version compatible with default FSX scenery
FS9 version compatible with default FS9 scenery
Compatible with add-on mesh.
Compatible with add-on landclass
Compatible with add-on AI traffic.
Usage of the new FSX SDK for the FSX version

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