<< DivX Tegami Bachi: Reverse ( ep 04 ) 480P
Tegami Bachi: Reverse ( ep 04 ) 480P
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Category Image
LanguageEnglish subtitles (builtin)
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=%5BCrunchySubs%5D_Tegami_Bachi_REVERSE_-_04_%5B480p%5D
Sender Kijutsu
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Post Description

AmberGround, a world of endless night. In this world where the darkness is full of dangers, Letter Bees stake their lives to deliver the mail entrusted to them. Lag is one such Letter Bee, following in the footsteps of Gauche, a letter bee whom he met and admires from a young age.

Gauche has since been dismissed as a Letter Bee but Lag has sworn to bring him back. However, when they finally reunite, it is at opposite barrels of a gun as Gauche declares himself to be the bandit Noir!

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