<< WMV Bangbus: Cuban Pussy Ehh (13-01-2010)
Bangbus: Cuban Pussy Ehh (13-01-2010)
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://bangbus.com/t3/pps=comein/trailers/bb6479-cuban-pussy-ehh.html
Sender rolo123
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Post Description

Title: Cuban Pussy Ehh 
Added:Wednesday January 13, 2010

Update summary:
Hey everyone! Preston here, bringing you this week's Bangbus update. While we were shooting this bangbus we were still doing our Christmas shopping. So we gt to the mall and we saw this hot "Cubanita" walking in the parking lot. I approached her and started chit chatting and it turned out she was kind and sweet. I showed her what were doing..the cameras..the works, telling her that we were doing some tv thing and she agreed to come with us. In reality, we all know the deal..but let me tell you, when push came to shove she was down with it and man was this chick sexy in every way...you guys will love this update..Stay tuned!!!

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