<< Android Electronics Database: params of electronics parts v2.23 [AdFree]
Electronics Database: params of electronics parts v2.23 [AdFree]
Category Applications
Date 4 years, 1 week
Size 7.41 MB
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Post Description

Electronics Database: params of electronics parts v2.23 [AdFree]

This application helps in the selection and recognition of electronic elements.
At the moment, the database contains more than 7000 items.

The application contains:
- params of transistors (BJT, MOSFET, IGBT etc.) and their packages (without the pinout);
- params of diodes (including Shottky, Fast, UltraFast, TVS etc.) and their packages;
- params of bridge rectifiers and their packages;
- params of TRIACs and their packages;
- params of SCRs and their packages.

What's New:
added items to MOSFET and BJT

This app has no advertisements

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