<< WinPh Android - Gangstar: West Coast Hustle
Android - Gangstar: West Coast Hustle
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://youtube.com/watch?v=OxdZWhga0Vw%26feature=player_embedded
Sender CLB
Tag CLB        
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Post Description

Gangstar: West Coast Hustle, nu ook voor Android
Het is een groot spel, daarom een aparte post en niet in 1 van de packs!

Alle bestanden zijn toegevoegd, .apk"tje, info, overige muk van deze game!

Hij werkt zeker niet (lekker) op alle toestellen!
Android 2.1 is nodig en lees overal dat enige toestel waarop het smooth werkt de Motorola Milestone is...
Ik heb er zelf eentje en ben onder de indruk, werkt best goed en ziet er leuk uit!!

Dus proberen op een ander device en hier gaan klagen.. hmm

"Buyers should beware because several users have reported problems when trying to download and install the games.
Gameloft will offer users a refund, but expect to run into some issues. It sounds like Real Soccer 2010, Let?s Golf!,
Modern Combat, and Asphalt 5 are the only titles working.
The list of non-working games includes Assassin?s Creed, NOVA, Hero of Sparta, Dungeon Hunter, HAWX, and Gangstar.

If you try out any of the games, let us know which ones work and we will update our post with a list of issues.

Potential buyers should also know that many of these games are iPhone ports originally designed to work with a PowerVR graphics processor.
This means that they will play better on the Droid (which also uses PowerVR) versus any of the Snapdragon phones
(Nexus, Incredible, EVO) that have not been optimized. Users who own first generation Android devices should avoid these games."


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