<< WIN Dragon Stop Motion 2.2
Dragon Stop Motion 2.2
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://dragonstopmotion.com/
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About Dragon Stop Motion
A full-featured frame grabber for stop motion animation and time-lapse photography. Designed to meet the needs of professional animators and studios, yet intuitive enough for beginners.

What?s New in this Version
- 3D Stereo Review: View anaglyphs, set convergence or edge float, and adjust interocular distances.
- 3D Test Shots: Take 3D test shots and use the 3D review tools to evaluate them.
- 3D Playback: Play 3D sequences using anaglyphs or transparencies in color or black and white.
- Export Stereo (3D) QuickTime: Export 3D sequences to QuickTime.
- Improved DMX Keyframe Editing: Select multiple keyframes and drag them on the timeline to change timing.
- Collapsible Cinematography Tools: Collapse tools like the Digital Densitometer or Camera Control when you?re not using them.
- Cinematography Image Export: Export still images the way they appear in the Cinematography window.
- Improved Canon EOS connection reliability.

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