<< MAC Dvdpedia 4.5.5
Dvdpedia 4.5.5
Category Applications
GenreCD/DVD Tools
GenreDatabase tools
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 10.41 MB
Website http://www.bruji.com/dvdpedia/
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Post Description

Een perfect programma om op je Mac bij te houden welke dvd's je in je collectie hebt.

Enkele features:

- beschrijving automatisch ophalen van o.a. moviemeter.nl, amazon of andere websites

- bijhouden aan wie je een disc hebt uitgeleend met de mogelijkheid om een herinnering te mailen

- export naar html met verschillende (leuke) lay-outs

en nog veel meer.

Ik dacht: ik zie bijna alleen maar muziekprogramma's voorbij komen, laat ik zelf eens iets anders toevoegen. Hij staat al een tijdje online (ruim 600 dagen) dus een pay-server account is vereist.

De informatie van de website van de maker:

DVDpedia is a movie cataloging application for Mac OS X. To save you time and effort, it retrieves all the information from the Internet via keyword or UPC scan, so you have time for more important things, like watching movies.

It's a big world
DVDpedia lets you retrieve information about your movies, both VHS and DVD, from various sites on the Internet. You have access to all the Amazon sites as well as the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDb) and several international DVD sites. To search, use keyword combinations - movie title, director, actor, studio, etc. - or if you have a scanner or an iSight scan the UPC and let DVDpedia do the rest.
As you like it
Set up collections to organize your movies just the way you like. That sounds like too much work? Then use the smart collections and have DVDpedia do it for you. The table view is not your thing? Then display your movies in the cover view and browse them just like you would in a video store. Or if you like your display with a bit of personality, choose the customizable info view. Have a look at the screenshots below to get a taste of the possibilities.
Share the love
Your movie collection says a lot about you. So don't be shy and let the world know what you have on your shelves. With DVDpedia's HTML export feature this is easier than ever. Choose the template you like or write your own and upload it. If you have a MobileMe account, load the template straight onto your MobileMe homepage. Easy as pie. And once your friends see what you have, manage the borrowing frenzy with DVDpedia's Borrowed collection. That way you always know who took what and when, along with a little reminder when to start nagging your friends to bring the movie back.
Seeing is believing
These are just a few of the many outstanding features DVDpedia has to offer. To really see what DVDpedia can do for you and your movie collection, download the free demo version now and have a look for yourself. The demo version limits you to adding 25 movies but is otherwise fully functional. To remove the restriction, buy DVDpedia here or from within the application.

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