<< NAV IGO AMIGO PRIMO LOCAL PROVIDERS 2011.07 Eastern Europe Maps
Category Applications
PlatformNavigation systems
GenreOptimization software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 514.19 MB
Website http://www.nzbindex.nl/release/59710244/spot20.net0116-spot20.net.part.par2.nzb
Sender PacoPicoPiedra (LnwzkA)                
Tag BESTGPS        
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Post Description

Requirements: IGO8 , Primo , amigo
Operating System: wince , android, Win. mobile, IOS
Overview: The latest maps , poi and building files

The latest maps and up-to-date points of interest for Eastern Europe.

Includes: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Serbia,
Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Latvia,
Lithuania, Estonia Albania and Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia.

.Includes postal codes for all countries
.3d city maps available for Bulgaria (14), Turkey (2) and Ukraine (5)

Road coverage:

3 064 674 km >99.5%: Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Greece and Cyprus,
99%: Poland, 90%: Montenegro, Lithuania,85%: Serbia, 83%: Bulgaria, 76%: Romania, 70%: Turkey,
69%: Croatia, 56%: Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia,
43%: Ukraine, 37%: Bosnia Herzegovina, 28%: Albania

House number coverage:

>99.5%: Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovenia, 95%: Estonia, 80%: Latvia, 75%: Lithuania, 66%: Croatia,
61%: Greece, 61%: Poland, 59%: Turkey, 56%: Romania, 53%: Bulgaria, 51%: Cyprus, 42%: Serbia,
40%: Slovakia, Ukraine, 10%: Bosnia Herzegovina, n/a: Montenegro, Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia

Postal codes: yes

Signpost and lane information*: yes: Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey

* Please note that not all software versions display signposts and lane information.

Road coverage with over 3 064 600 kilometers of updated roads
and over 1 046 900 up-to-date points of interest.

Released: 2011 Q3
File size: 513 MB
zo heb je een hele tijd niks voor igo,
en zo heb binnen 1 dag van 3 kaartproviders de mappen.

TIP: gebruik altijd een externe newsreader

vragen; google is je beste vriend ;<)

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zoek op; spot20.net

suc6 ermee..........


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