<< 360 Sherlock Holmes VS Jack The Ripper
Sherlock Holmes VS Jack The Ripper
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Category Games
PlatformXbox 360
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Sherlock Holmes VS Jack The Ripper

Kan worden overgezet naar PAL !

Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper is an adventure game for Windows and Xbox 360, developed by Frogwares. It is the fifth game in the Sherlock Holmes series of adventure games developed by Frogwares. The game takes place in the London district of Whitechapel in 1888, where a series of particularly horrible murders take place.

Following the remastered version of Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened, Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper will offer the ability to play in a third-person perspective mode in addition to the first-person perspective.

The French version of the game was released on April 30, 2009.[1] A playable demo is also available for download. The English version was released on May 24.

At the time the industrial revolution was in full swing, the British Empire was at its peak. As the premiere world power, England"s model of wealth and modernity radiated throughout the world. However, Whitechapel District, in the East End of London, hardly reflected this brilliant reality. Whitechapel was the capital"s most squalid neighborhood. Within its boundaries lived England"s worst rabble including alcoholics, beggars, prostitutes?as well as a large community of Jewish immigrants fleeing Eastern Europe"s ever growing anti-Semitism. In this terrible hole of misery, tens of thousands of people lived crammed within a maze of narrow, sinister, stinky streets overshadowed by fog. To deal with the poverty, the government created Public Work Houses in an attempt to manage the masses. It"s within this sinister set, faithfully rendered in all its details and similar to a macabre playground that you"ll have to investigate and track Jack the Ripper"s bloody trail and solve one of the greatest mysteries of crime.

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