<< NDS Flashkaart Firmware | Supercard DSTWO v1.00 (Nieuwe kaart)
Flashkaart Firmware | Supercard DSTWO v1.00 (Nieuwe kaart)
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://xandecs.nl/FTD/
Sender xandecs
Tag Xandecs DSTWO        
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Post Description

Kenmerken Supercard DSTWO:
1. RealTime Functions: RealTime Save(Enhanced, 3D game more stable), RealTime Game Guide(txt, bmp) & RealTime Cheat. (More stable, more easy to use, cheat code compatible with popular cheat file)
2. Multi Saves (Up to 4 slots), Easy to backup and restore saves.
3. New exclusive feature. Free Cheat function. During game play will allow you to search for and enable various cheats and hacks, such as modifying or even locking your characters health.
4. Unlimited MicroSD storage space support. SDHC support. FAT or FAT32.
5. Multiple languages (English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish)
6. Built-in GBA Emulator. More Emulator will be developed on schedule. Such as SNES.
7. Hotkey user-defined.
8. New Hardware Control Action Slow Motion (Up to 4 levels).
9. File Management System (Copy, Paste, Cut and Delete, long file name support).
10. eBook (BMP, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, GIF, TXT, PDF).
11. New exclusive feature. Intelligent clean mode, automatically detect memory card speed and save type.
12. New exclusive feature. Hardware defence DS Anti Piracy. No Patch needed.

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