<< Wii Wii Ware - Excitebike: World Rally
Wii Ware - Excitebike: World Rally
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Category Games
PlatformNintento Wii
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://mediatrailers.nl/index.php/games/1-wii/116-excitebike-world-rally.html
Sender zon_jeroen
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Post Description

Excitebike is still a fun design in its enhanced World Rally follow-up. The multiplayer mode and the online-capable track creator feels like natural additions to the classic, though an offline, splitscreen multiplayer mode seems like a no-brainer addition and it's a shame it wasn't in the final product. As much as I still hold the classic near and dear to my heart I don't think it quite holds up to today's standards, but this 3D revisit is easily one of the better WiiWare offerings available.


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