Post Description
Losing my Virginity:
Losing My Virginity is a portrait of a productive, sane, balanced life, filled with rich and colorful stories:
Crash-landing his hot-air balloon in the Algerian desert, yet remaining determined to have another go
at being the first to circle the globe Signing the Sex Pistols, Janet Jackson, the Rolling Stones, Boy
George, and Phil Collins. Fighting back when British Airways took on Virgin Atlantic and successfully
suing this pillar of the British business establishment Swimming two miles to safety during a violent
storm off the coast of Mexico Selling Virgin Records to save Virgin Atlantic Staging a rescue flight
into Baghdad before the start of the Gulf War... And much more. Losing My Virginity is the ultimate
tale of personal and business survival from a man who combines the business prowess of Bill Gates
and the promotional instincts of P. T. Barnum.
Finding my Virginity:
Now, fifty years after starting his first business, Branson shares the candid details of a lifetime of
triumphs and failures and what he really thinks about his unique life and career. Finding My Virginity
is an intimate look at his never-ending quest to push boundaries, break rules, and seek new frontiers
— even after launching a dozen billion-dollar businesses and hundreds of other companies.
As he led Virgin into the new millennium, Branson fearlessly expanded the brand into new categories
such as mobile, media, fitness, and banking and into every corner of the globe — all while preserving its
iconoclastic, scrappy spirit. He even brought Virgin into space with Virgin Galactic, the world’s first
commercial spaceline. Finding My Virginity takes us behind the scenes of the incredible brains, heart,
and sacrifices that have gone into making private spaceflight an imminent reality — even after the
biggest crisis Branson has ever faced.
Incl: Like a Virgin-Secrets They Won't Teach You At Business School
& George Ilian - The Life and Business of Richard Branson
Was verzoek:
Ikku | 2rKgjw op zondag 22 juli 2018 | 4:42
heb je ook Richard Branson:
Finding my virginity en Losing my virginity
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