<< NAV BMW Navigation Update USB Road Map Europe Premium WEST 2017-2 ML iNTERNAL-NAViGON
BMW Navigation Update USB Road Map Europe Premium WEST 2017-2 ML iNTERNAL-NAViGON
Category Applications
PlatformNavigation systems
GenreSystem software
Date 7 years, 8 months
Size 25.19 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=BMW+Navigation+Update+USB+Road+Map+Europe+Premium+WEST+2017-2+ML+iNTERNAL-NAViGON
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)                
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Post Description

▌ BMW Update USB Road Map Europe Premium WEST 2017-2                 ▐ 
▌ ▐
▌ A navigation system is only as good as its map material. Each ▐
▌ year, for instance, the road layouts in Europe change by as much ▐
▌ as 15%: new residential and industrial areas are built, motorways ▐
▌ get new exits and intersections, petrol stations, hotels and ▐
▌ other points of interest come and go. All this means that smooth ▐
▌ navigation and reaching your goal effectively, along with optimal ▐
▌ use of traffic warning functions, can only be guaranteed when the ▐
▌ map material is absolutely up to date. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ For models to 03/13 with Professional Navigation system ▐
▌ (option 609) ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Languages (voice and information): ▐
▌ ---------------------------------- ▐
▌ ▐
▌ German - English - French - Italian - Dutch - Portuguese - Spanish ▐

▌ ▌ ▐
▌ - Copy pkgdb folder and config.nfm to the root Folder of the 32GB ▐
▌ USB Stick ▐
▌ ▐
▌ - iNTERNAL because we can't provide a KeyGen/Activation, but we ▐
▌ want to share the maps with you. ▐

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