<< DivX Buttmans ass adoro
Buttmans ass adoro
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Buttmans ass adoro 

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Cast: Gina Jolie, Jazz Duro, Lorena

Description: Gina Jolie has a smoldering, sometimes dangerously out of control, sexuality. Jazz Duro is crazy about her. They have a tremendous chemistry together. The wild card was Lorena. I picked her from a photo in an agent s book. He said she was hot. But you always take a chance when you pick a girl from a picture. And I was taking another chance when I booked a three way. Was I maybe spoiling a good intimate thing between my two main people? Maybe, but sometimes magic happens.

There is a level of intimacy that you can achieve if you relax and just play with your fetish with people you really jive with. This was one long sexual afternoon in Rio. We did ass fetish activities of all kinds. We did smothering, throat fucking, slapping, spitting, dominating play, toys, gaping, all kinds of fun stuff, including conventional and anal sex. All of it works together. All of it builds the intensity, and reveals the truth of each person. And with great people like this, all of it s good. I can t present this experience in a conventional length sex scene. I can t cut the moments just after intense play when you see exhaustion, vulnerability, peace. So this movie is only one scene. I d make all my gonzo movies like this if I could.
John 'Buttman' Stagliano

Release Date: 2005-09
Video Format: AVI
Duration: 01:38:45
Post Date: 2010-09-24

Special THNX 2 Smurof

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