<< Android Journal - Orange Diary v1.33
Journal - Orange Diary v1.33
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 2.06 MB
Website https://market.android.com/details?id=com.acj0.orangediaryproa&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5hY2owLm9yYW5nZWRpYXJ5cHJvYSJd
Sender Coolhof (4KrNNw)                
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Post Description

Manage entries using
. Tags
. Icons
. Calendar UI
. Trash bin
. Reminder
. Template
. Attachment
(Photo, video, audio, file, tasks, expenses)
. Background colors
. Font
. Date/time format
. Text color
. Text size
Import & Export
. Import from SD card
. Import from Google Docs
. Export to Email/Text
. Export to Google Docs
. Export to Google Calendar (individual entry)
. Export to Google Blogger (individual entry)
Backup & Restore
. Scheduled backup
. data transfer
. Passcode lock
. Simple task list
. Simple expense list
What's in this version:
Journal - Orange Diary v1.33 apk
. Added entry title display in Calendar screen.
. Added list type setting for main screen.
. Added AND or OR option in tag search option.
. Added more weather icons
. Added multiple item update feature in expense list
. Fixed connection problem for Google Docs / Calendar in ICS
. Design changes - shortcut buttons, Icon picker dialog
. Added enable hyperlink option in Settings

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