Post Description
?? RAD Studio XE is a comprehensive application development suite and ??
?? the fastest way to visually build GUI-intensive, data-driven ??
?? applications for Windows, .NET, PHP and the Web. RAD Studio ??
?? includes Delphi, C++Builder, Delphi Prism., and RadPHP. enabling ??
?? developers to deliver applications up to 5x faster across multiple ??
?? Windows, Web, and database platforms. ??
?? ??
?? With RAD Studio XE, you can: ??
?? * Rapidly build ultra-rich, ultra-fast applications across multiple ??
?? platforms ??
?? * Build applications faster with pre-built components and ??
?? drag-and-drop visual design ??
?? * Future-proof your applications with native connectivity to 9 ??
?? major databases and ready-made components for cloud connectivity ??
?? * Utilize thousands of free and commercial components for user ??
?? interfaces, database, multi-tier, web apps, industry specific ??
?? and more ??
?? ??
?? RAD Studio includes: ??
?? * Delphi and C++Builder for rapidly building high-performance ??
?? native Windows applications ??
?? * Delphi Prism for rapidly building .NET and cross-platform Mono ??
?? applications which can target Windows, Linux and Mac OS X ??
?? * RadPHP, a complete PHP IDE and the only choice for rapid ??
?? drag-and-drop visual development of PHP web applications ??
?? * Access to previous versions of Delphi (7, 2007-2010), C++Builder ??
?? (6, 2007-2010), Delphi Prism (2009-2011) at no extra cost ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ?
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