<< MP3 [2015] Ramteam Records presents DJ Ramteam's Finest Tracks
[2015] Ramteam Records presents DJ Ramteam's Finest Tracks
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Date 2 years, 5 months
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Hey allen,

Op verzoek opnieuw gepost, het album 'DJ Ramteam's Finest Tracks'.
Officieel uitgebracht in 2015 door Ramteam®™ Records.

Veel plezier ermee als je 'm nog niet hebt.

----------> @Brein en Tim Kuik, wij zíjn Ramteam Records. Dus maak niet wéér de fout om ons (de uploaders) een sanctiebrief te sturen dat wij illegaal materiaal uploaden en dus 12000 euro moeten dokken ! Anders zien we elkaar wel weer in de rechtbank.

Ramteam Records presents: DJ Ramteam's Finest Tracks
Album Preperation Date: 14 November 2014
Album Release Date: 15 March 2015
Tracks: 23
Genres: Minimal Techno, Deep Tech House, Tech House, Techno, Dark Techno, Deep House, Dance, Minimal House

Important Album Information:
All the tracks listed in this album are copyrighted by [Ramteam Records] and the artist [DJ Ramteam]. All tracks may be used, uploaded and shared anywhere, as long as the performers name and the labels URL is listed with it. All tracks remain property of Ramteam Records and DJ Ramteam. Violation may result in a lawsuit against those who do not comply.

CD 01:
01. DJ Ramteam - Spaceballs Part 0.5
02. DJ Ramteam - Locomotive In The Dark
03. DJ Ramteam - Deep In The Woods
04. DJ Ramteam - Recovery
05. DJ Ramteam - The Night Is Young When You See White Birds Falling Off The Fence
06. DJ Ramteam - The Tormentor
07. DJ Ramteam - Spaceballs Part 1 (Club Edit)
08. DJ Ramteam - Spaceballs Part 1 (DJ Ramteam's 'Have A Nice Day And Let's Drink A Beer' Remix)
09. DJ Ramteam - Tuesday Afternoon
10. DJ Ramteam - Space Milk

CD 02:
11. DJ Ramteam - Undefined Nuclear Terror (DJ Ramteam Transparent Mix)
12. DJ Ramteam - China Is Watching You
13. DJ Ramteam - Feel Alive
14. DJ Ramteam - Sinister Thoughts
15. DJ Ramteam - Battlebug
16. DJ Ramteam - Dope
17. DJ Ramteam - Steam

CD 03:
18. DJ Ramteam - The Hunt
19. DJ Ramteam - Interlude
20. DJ Ramteam - Silent Creature
21. DJ Ramteam - The March Of The Spy
22. DJ Ramteam - Meteor
23. DJ Ramteam - F.CK, It's Monday Again

Ramteam Records
Website: https://ramteam.eu

© Ramteam®™ Records


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Vanzelfspreken, de beste groeten aan ons allergrootste fans (mochten ze hier nog zijn) en niet te vergeten aan JeffHax en Novaresse.

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