<< WIN Sonnoxplugins - Oxford Restore Suite Native.v1.0.(2011)-tuSHENGPENG
Sonnoxplugins - Oxford Restore Suite Native.v1.0.(2011)-tuSHENGPENG
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 24.81 MB
Website http://www.sonnoxplugins.com/pub/plugins/home.htm
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

Sonnox Restore is a suite of three plug-ins - Oxford DeClicker, Oxford DeBuzzer and Oxford DeNoiser - designed to accurately restore audio recordings that are impaired. Restore represents a quantum leap beyond previous restoration plug-in technology with its advanced algorithms and novel features that allow fast and extremely effective removal of pops, clicks, crackles, scratches, hum, buzzes and extraneous background noise from virtually any recording. 

Capable of exceptionally high quality audio repairs, the three plug-ins are intuitive and easy to use, with each interface providing detailed graphical feedback, benefiting the user by saving time which of course is critical in the post-production process.

--||* Fijne dagen, unne Gooje Roetsj en een sprankelend 2012.. *||--

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