<< PS REPOST 2 F1 Championship Season 2000 PS1 PAL
REPOST 2 F1 Championship Season 2000 PS1 PAL
Category Games
Date 9 years, 8 months
Size 532.73 MB
Website http://www.ign.com/games/f1-championship-season-2000/ps-15312
Sender Dick42 (t1jlxA)                
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Get ready to lay some quality B.F. Goodrich on the pavement with F1 CCHAMPIONSHIP SEASON 2000. EA Sports promised a more realistic driving experience and theyve delivered big time. Racing physics is where this game really delivers the goods: skids, spinouts, and drafting response deliver that pit-of-the-stomach-sinking feeling, and all are realistically executed. And unlike other racing games where you keep the gas pedal smashed to the floor from start to finish, careful attention to braking and speed control are critical just like they are in real Formula 1 racing. Steering control is right on the money, regardless of whether you use the D-pad or the analog stick for steering. The AI of competing drivers ranges from the good to the outstanding; they naturally block your car when you try to pass, and theyll even give you the occasional nudge to slow you down. As smart as they are, though, they also make enough minor mistakes to seem human.

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