Post Description
Toni WilToni Willé met de band Daniel Rae Costello & The Cruzez
1 Divx-Avi
1 One-Track CD [geript]
1 CD losse nummers [geript, getrimt, faded]
01. Same old song
02. Bad Boy
03. Smile
4. My broken souvenirs
05. Doin' la bamba
06. I'll be good to you
07. I'll be your woman
08. Georgie
9-0***Daniel Rae Costello 3 songs ****
09. Teenage Queenie
10. Impressions
11. Still on my mind
12. Then the music stopped
13. Mississippi
14. If you ever come to Amsterdam
15 Daniel Rae-Toni Willé (3m 55s)
16 Daniel Rae-Toni Willé (4m 03s)
[Met dank aan de uploader naar Youtube: "MderNL"]lé Live in concert at Fiji 2010
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