<< PS2 MoH European Assault + Rising Sun PS2 PAL
MoH European Assault + Rising Sun PS2 PAL
Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 2
Date 9 years, 7 months
Size 4.36 GB
Website http://www.ign.com/games/medal-of-honor-european-assault/xbox-694969
Sender Dick42 (t1jlxA)                
Tag Dick42        
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Post Description

Medal of Honor - European Assault 
Europe 1942. These are desperate hours for the Allied forces as the Nazi war machine rages across a devastated European landscape. With the British on the brink, Lt. William Holt of the OSS is sent on a secret mission by order of the President of the United States. On his own, or with his squad, Holt is pivotal in helping to turn the tide in four of the most crucial battles leading to victory in Europe. Medal of Honor European Assault returns the series to to Europe in a sequel that features advances in enemy and compatriot AI, plus a more open game design structure.

Medal of Honor - Rising Sun
The acclaimed Medal of Honor series expands with a new story that takes place in World War II, from 1941 to 1945. Rising Sun for Xbox, PS2, and GameCube, stars Marine Corporal Joseph Griffin on a mission to stop Japanese forces from taking control of the Pacific Theatre. Major battles including the infamous Pearl Harbor attack have been recreated with intense realism. Ten heroic levels are spread across five major historic WWII missions. Open level environments allow for multiple paths to victory, where players can fight alone or with a squad. Up to four players can fight head-to-head in ten multiplayer modes, and the all-new Co-op mode allows two players to fight along side one another.

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