<< ePub Al Gore - The Future (English epub)
Al Gore - The Future (English epub)
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 3 years, 1 month
Size 1.95 MB
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Al Gore - The Future (English epub)

Albert Arnold (Al) Gore is voormalig vicepresident en winnaar van de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede. Hij is de oprichter van The Alliance for Climate Protection, de medeoprichter van Generation Investment Management en lid van de raad van bestuur van Apple Inc. en senior adviseur van Google.

In The Future, former US Vice President Al Gore, explores the political, social and economic forces that are shaping what America and the world will become in ensuing decades. From demographics to democracy, Gore explores what he calls the 'Drivers of Global Change', framing the international conversation about the future in fresh and provocative ways.
With this new work, Gore hopes to help start a conversation about the large-scale drivers of change that are defining and shaping our future - from the rapid development and integration of radically new technologies to the planet-changing impact of the climate crisis, to poverty, globalization, and the democratisation of knowledge accompanying the emergence of a ubiquitous internet linking ever more intelligent devices.

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