<< PS4 NHL 19 Update v1.60 (PS4) (.pkg)
NHL 19 Update v1.60 (PS4) (.pkg)
Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 4
Date 4 years, 2 months
Size 5.82 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=NHL+19+Update+v1.60+%28PS4%29+%28.pkg%29
Sender SirStirlingMoss (ALLyLQ)                
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Post Description

Duplex   P R O U D L Y   P R E S E N T S

NHL 19 Update v1.60

Date: 07-2020
Languages: MULTI9
Platform: PS4 FW 6.72
Genre: Sports
Extracted file: NHL.19.Update.v1.60.PS4-DUPLEX.pkg (5.49 Gb)

Release Notes:
CUSA12476 v1.60
Works with : NHL.19.PS4-DUPLEX
Install the game first, then install update

Audio: English
Text: German, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, English, Italian,
French, Simplified Chinese, Spanish

In order to play our rips you will need :
- a PS4 with Firmware 6.72
- a computer to run the PS4 Exploit Host :

- Unpack PS4 Exploit Host on your computer
- Configure your PS4 to use your computer's IP as DNS servers
- Format your USB drive/key to exFAT
- Copy our .pkg file to the root of your USB drive/key
- Plug your USB drive/key to one of the USB ports of your PS4
- On your PS4, go to 'Settings', 'User's Guide'
- Start current HEN exploit
- Go to Debug Settings / Game / Package Installer
- Install our .pkg and start the game
- Enjoy !

All cresits to the original poster JBinUp.

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