<< MP3 Savage Garden - Truly madly completly (The Best Of)
Savage Garden - Truly madly completly (The Best Of)
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Post Description

Savage Garden - Truly madly completly (The Best Of)

Track listing
1."I Want You" &#150; 3:53
2."I Knew I Loved You" &#150; 4:11
3."To the Moon and Back" &#150; 5:42
4."Hold Me" &#150; 4:52
5."Santa Monica" &#150; 3:36
6."Crash and Burn" &#150; 4:42
7."Break Me Shake Me" &#150; 3:25
8."Truly Madly Deeply" &#150; 4:39
9."The Animal Song" &#150; 4:39
10."Affirmation" &#150; 4:58
11."So Beautiful" (by Darren Hayes) &#150; 4:58
12."California" (by Darren Hayes) &#150; 6:00
13."I Don't Care" &#150; 5:05
14."I'll Bet He Was Cool" &#150; 4:41
15."Love Can Move You" &#150; 4:47
16."Fire Inside the Man" &#150; 4:11
17."This Side of Me" &#150; 4:11

Staat om 12:45 er op met de hoesjes.

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