<< WIN FastStone Capture V.8.4
FastStone Capture V.8.4
Category Applications
Date 9 years, 2 weeks
Size 3.58 MB
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Post Description

Version 8.4 (January 14, 2016)

Added support for high-DPI/high-resolution/4K monitors
Added a tool called Screen Focus, which helps you stay focused on the task under the mouse pointer by dimming the rest of the screen
Added an option to show file names to the output of the "Join Images Side by Side" tool
Added "Adjust Lighting" to the Colors menu
Enhanced the Resize tool so you can resize the image based on pixels or percentage
Enhanced the Screen Color Picker. Now you can:
Press Space/+/- key to zoom in/out. Picking a color from an enlarged image is easier
Specify prefix and suffix to customize the format of RGB, Dec and Hex values
Enhanced the "Acquire Images from Scanner" tool by allowing you to adjust the colors and lighting of scanned images
Other improvements and bug fixes

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