<< FLAC Ed DeGenaro - Less Is Seldom More (kickass fusion)
Ed DeGenaro - Less Is Seldom More (kickass fusion)
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://abstractlogix.com/xcart/product.php?productid=24177
Sender jazzrockworld
Tag fusion;kickass;jazzrockworld;guitar        
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Ed DeGenaro - Less Is Seldom More (2009)(kickass fusion)

Anyone already familiar with Ed's work will be looking forward to this album, and it is a treat well worth waiting for.

Edging around fusion jazz, with more than a nod to Weather Report, the production is faultless, hip, fast, complex and constantly interesting.

Some tracks are paired together; Monkey Bawls Utility / Utilitarian Research Jam, Prayer / Joe Z, The Brother / One, so don't set your player to random play, this is a serious album.

It was great to hear Joe Zawinal's words again in the track Prayer; "Music, its a holy thing." A nice tribute.

But its not all the same, Ed's up to all his old off-piste tricks, from the sombre, haunting "Matte's Bible Camp" to the raw country picking style of "Neck Bone" which, coming right after the speed licking "Yes Man", is a surprise to keep you on your toes. Even more interesting, Ed has managed to inject an asian / oriental feel into the album.

Like Ed's last CD, the artwork is from Emre Meydan, who also designed the "Village of the Unfretted" and Ed's "Dog House" album artwork. I do urge you to buy the actual CD, just to ogle the graphics.

Ed's collaborating musicians are a sterling bunch, headlined by the legendary Ray Gomez, we would detail them all here, but hey, buy the album and read the credits.

To sum it up, Ed's got a masterpiece on his hands here, and its about time he went mainstream. I'm convinced Ed made this album just to make me happy, but if that's the case, its got to make a lot of other people very happy too.

Review: JB, April 2009

Unfretted Records UNFT903 - 2009
Classification - Rock / Fusion
Format - Audio CD

Ed DeGenaro - Guitars
Featuring; Ray Gomez / Chris Taylor / Matte Henderson / Ric Fierabracci
Trip Walmsley / George Whitty / Dave Weckl / Joel Rosenblatt / Marco Minnemann
Satish / Ezekiel Trosper / Dave Simpson / Gwen Snyder.
Artwork & Design by - Emre Meydan

1. Intro
2. Ave D (fretless)
3. Monkey Bawls Utility (fretless)
4. Utilitarian Research Jam
5. Matte's Bible Camp (fretless)
6. Confirm Walk Forward (fretless)
7. Prayer (fretless)
8. Joe Z (fretless)
9. Yes Man (fretless)
10. Neck Bone
11. The Brother
12. One
13. Southern Flyer
14. Outro

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