<< iOS BeatMaker 2 voor Iphone / Ipad
BeatMaker 2 voor Iphone / Ipad
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 552.59 MB
Website http://itunes.apple.com/nl/app/beatmaker-2/id417020234?mt=8
Sender readysteady (hSz5A)                
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Post Description

Kwam deze app tegen en zeker voor op de  Ipad is dit leuk speelgoed!

The original BeatMaker was one of the first apps that really showed off the music-making potential of Apple's iOS devices, and now developers Intua have unleashed a follow-up in the form of BeatMaker 2.

At ? 15,99 it's not cheap compared to many music-making apps, but its feature list is frankly spectacular. If you don't have time to watch the impressive promotional video below, here are some of the app's most impressive features:

iPod library import
Wave editor with 8 step undo
Sample timestreching and pitchshifting
Zoomable keyboard double keyboard mode
Unlimited global effects racks
CoreMidi support
SoundCloud (and potentially DropBox) implementation
Library of 1800 samples

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