<< x264HD SexMex - Katrina Moreno - Sex With A Gay Dressmaker 1080p
SexMex - Katrina Moreno - Sex With A Gay Dressmaker 1080p
Category Image
LanguageEnglish subtitles (builtin)
LanguageSpanish audio/written
Date 3 years, 9 months
Size 1.26 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=SexMex+-+Katrina+Moreno+-+Sex+With+A+Gay+Dressmaker+1080p
Sender SirStirlingMoss (ALLyLQ)                
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 4

Post Description




@ Spammers/Trolls:
ClubNZB, daBossie, Kerstdag, Bromsnor, Bor etc. etc. go SPAM/TROLL somewhere else.

@ ALL:
I'm a SPOTTER, not the POSTER, that's a big diference, so don't blame me if a upload is rarred twice or has a PW.
Some users even don't know the difference between a spotter and a poster, shame on you.

@ ALL:
Users complaining about passwords: due to Notice & Takedown the poster prevents his upload.
If a PW is needed, it will always be noted in the first sentence of my info, between the rolling eyes icons. ..PW..
If a download isn't going that well, maybe you got......
- 1. The wrong download programm: advice use SABnzb, it is password friendly and easy to use.
It automatically fills in the password if it's inside the NZB-file or you can add it yourself if needed.
It automatically extracts your download if you switch on that option.
Don't use Grabit or Spotnet itself to DL, that's a very bad choise!
- 2. A payserver that has not enough retention: advise, get a better one with 4000+ retention, like EWEKA.
- 3. Maid a mistake, filling in the wrong password and blame the spotter that the post is not working, how stupid are you ?

@ ALL:
Users who don't like PW, advice: wait a few days/weeks and maybe you can download the same SPOT from "Kenji" or "DommeLoempia" without a PW.

Users who keep complaining that the PW is not correct will be promoted to my personal blacklist.

Users who like to leave a bad insulting comment are promoted to my personal blacklist.

Users who comment put him on the blacklist, well you are on mine now yourself.

Users who don't like my SPOTS, skip my SPOTS and complain somewhere else.

Comments # 0