<< WIN RevoStock.Video Room.69657
RevoStock.Video Room.69657
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://revostock.com/After-Effects-Project/69657/Video-Room.htm
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Post Description

# Sound: yes
# Loopable: yes
# Downloads: 54
# Model Release: no
# Primary Category:
After Effects Commercials (Elite)
# Secondary Categories:
# Video Walls
Opening Credits
Opening Credits
# Keywords: video room distortion effect music video room distortion effect music beat beating...

This product is an Adobe After Effects project file. It requires Adobe After Effects version CS3 or higher

50 second intro type project with distorted sounds, videos and transitions
Music and Sound Effects included!
No plug-ins required. Instructions included on how to change text to video and vice versa if you feel the need for having more videos or text.
Videos and text can be modified super easy to your own needs.

NTSC and PAL widescreen comps included

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