<< x264HD The Secret Diary of a Call Girl S04E08 720p
The Secret Diary of a Call Girl S04E08 720p
Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 635.99 MB
Website http://www.nzbindex.nl/search/?q=&age=&max=250&g[]=687&sort=agedesc&minsize=&maxsize=&dq=&poster=teevee%404u.net+%28teevee%29&nfo=&hidespam=0&hidespam=1&more=1
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Post Description

The Secret Diary of a Call Girl  Season 4

High class escort Belle is back in the final series of
the sexiest show on TV, Secret Diary of a Call Girl.

In this, the fourth season, Belle embarks on a new
relationship with best friend Ben, takes on a new
role managing Stephanie's escort business and finds
herself the unlikely guardian of Stephanie's innocent
19-year-old daughter, Poppy.

As Belle starts to manage other girls, she still finds
time for some new, unmissable clients... The Virgin,
The Adult Baby, The Wrestling Fetishist and Count Dracula
himself... But as Belle goes from success to success
in her professional life, her personal life starts to
fall apart.

A series of misunderstandings with loyal, loving Ben,
the unravelling and corruption of 'good girl' Poppy,
and the introduction of dangerous and alluring vice
cop Harry, all force Belle to question who she really
is and what she wants for her future.

Will she give 'Belle' up for Ben and commit to just
being 'Hannah' or will she cut all ties and be a call
girl forever?

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