<< TUX Packt Publishing Learning Path Linux A To Z Linux Networking Concepts Tutorial-OXBRIDGE
Packt Publishing Learning Path Linux A To Z Linux Networking Concepts Tutorial-OXBRIDGE
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Post Description

·-- PUBLISHER -----·> Packt Publishing                                   
·-- LECTURESHIP ---·> Learning Path: Linux: A to Z
Linux Networking Concepts

·-- LECTURE DATE --·> 05-2017
05-2017 {Published}

·-- PERIOD in HRS--·> 04+
·-- SCALE ---------·> 17x50mb

·-- LECTURE LINK --·> https://goo.gl/Xvz0cD

Level up your Linux network administration skills

In Detail

Linux can be configured as a network workstation, a DNS server, a mail
server, a firewall, a gateway router, and many other things. Network
administration is one of the main tasks of a Linux administrator.

In this Learning Path, you will begin with configuring and deploying
several network services including files, Web, mails, and servers. You
will then learn how to enable NAT on the router in order to allow
Internet access from the network.

Going ahead, you will learn to configure Samba to centralize
authentication for your network service and Linux client to leverage it
for authentication.

Finally, you will have a network with a number of services running on
it, and will implement monitoring in order to detect problems as they

By the end of this Learning Path, you will learn to build, maintain, and
secure a computer network using Linux.

Prerequisites: You need to have prior experience of how a Linux machine
operates. You should also be familiar with setting up a Linux server and
how to install additional software.

Resources: Code downloads and errata:

Linux Networking Solutions - Part 1
Linux Networking Solutions - Part 2

This path navigates across the following products (in sequential order):

Linux Networking Solutions - Part 1 (1h 58m)
Linux Networking Solutions - Part 2 (2h 4m)

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