<< WIN Red Giant Guru Presets: Cassidy Bisher""s Text Effects for Trapcode Suite
Red Giant Guru Presets: Cassidy Bisher""s Text Effects for Trapcode Suite
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://redgiantsoftware.com/products/all/dropdrop-vol1/
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Post Description

Lightburst Templates for Easy Logo and Text Animation
Drop your text or logo into two light-filled, pulsing animations. In Orb Wiper, an organic orb sweeps across the screen in HD. Your logo fluidly transitions from this orb and is revealed within a burst of light flares and texture. In Logo Wiper, a flash of light reveals your logo, light sparkles run along the logo, and then the logo disappears in another bright flash. Sound FX are included and already synced to each animation.

This pack offers a vibrant and easy way to showcase your logos and text.

*Place your logo inside a placeholder which brings thousands of particles together for its reveal.
*You can also put text, photos or videos in the placeholder. Sound FX are included.
*A 20 minute tutorial shows you how to insert your own logo, text, or video footage.
*Trapcode Form is used to generate the text. Trapcode Particular is used to generate the bursts.
*Great for Video Intros or Movie Trailer style presentations

System Requirements

* Requires Adobe After Effects CS3 or higher, Trapcode Form, Trapcode Particular and Trapcode Shine (these plug-ins are not pre-rendered).
* Trapcode Lux, Knoll Light Factory and Knoll 3D Flare are optional plug-ins, because there is also a pre-rendered project file included for these plug-ins.
* Trapcode Form Logo Animation is After Effects CS4+ compatible only.

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