<< MP3 Diefenbach - Set & Drift
Diefenbach - Set & Drift
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Diefenbach+-+Set+%26amp%3B+Drift
Sender VAT66
Tag VAT66        
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Post Description

Forever looking forward with notes from the past?Seven years of exploring and making music from the capital of Denmark.This quintet started as an almost instrumental postrock band with a very melodic texture to the repetive structures of the genre almost void of noisy passages. A drastic change of perspective was heard from 2005 and forward, where Diefenbach succesfully and highly surprising integrated their instrumental postrock background with not only vocals - but mainstream rock structure , sophisto-pop and splendour

Dit is hun 2e album en is meer pop dan de eerste .

Releasedatum: 16-06-2005

1 mechanical
2 glorious
3 the police
4 streetlights
5 favourite friend
6 it"s only love
7 bruising my eyes
8 the rocket
9 the right one
10 on the move
11 skyline
12 circular motions

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