<< DivX Total Wipeout UK S03E06
Total Wipeout UK S03E06
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://google.nl/search?hl=nl%26q=Total+Wipeout+UK+S03E06
Sender Dutch Supervisor
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Post Description

Richard Hammond hosts another episode of TV"s stupidest,
brightest, most insane game show. Richard"s co-host Amanda Byram
is course-side in Buenos Aires as 20 foolhardy Brits tackle the
purpose-built Argentinian course. There is a Ã&#131;º10,000 prize for
the winner and the additional plaudit of being crowned the Total
Wipeout champion - and to get there all the winner has to do is
master the Sucker Punch, the Big Red Balls, Crash Mountain,
Dizzy Dummies and the Wipeout Zone.

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