<< WIN Aero Patch & Personalization panel for Home Basic and Starter editions!
Aero Patch & Personalization panel for Home Basic and Starter editions!
Category Applications
GenreSkin software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 725 KB
Website http://shikharev.deviantart.com/art/Aero-Patch-W7Starter-and-Basic-251485364
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Aero Patch & Personalization panel for Home Basic and Starter editions!
Autor: Mr. dUSHA
Version 1.2.

As a result of searches Mr. dUSHA has found possibility of enable of the original Personalization panel on Home Basic and Starter editions,
where this panel by default misses, with all that it implies:
*Switching-on of a transparency of borders of windows
Anything in addition ??????? it is not necessary, simply enough to install the Panel!
*Support of subjects \styles of Aero from high editions
To alter styles for transparency support it is not necessary any more!
*At start of files *.theme the Panel of personification and a subject will open will be applied
The message "This edition doesn't support a subject" is cancelled!
*The panel works on 32 and 64 bit versions of system!
It is checked up!
*All standard "features" of Aero turn on!
Switching of windows on Win+Tab\Flip3D, Aero Peek and Aero Shake.

Download 7z archive, unpack and launch Personalization Panel.exe.
Before setting start is mandatory disable antivirus!
They will prevent copying of files and modification of the system register.

For rollback of changes launch a EXE file once again.

After reboot enable antivirus as was. UAC to the Panel doesn't react (it "native")!

Setting occupies literally some seconds then the computer will be automatically rebooted.
In Panel installation process patching libraries for support of unsigned themes.
If libraries at you already patching, this step will be passed.

After reboot open the Panel of personification and apply the necessary subject.

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