<< WIN Sample Magic - SM 170 Synthwave 3
Sample Magic - SM 170 Synthwave 3
Category Applications
Date 5 months, 3 weeks
Size 2.18 GB
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Post Description

Publisher: Sample Magic
Website: samplemagic
Format: MIDI, WAV, KONTAKT, ABLETON 9.7.5+, MASCHiNE 2+, BATTERY 4+, KONG, NNXT, EXS24, SPiRE 1.1.12+, SERUM 1.203+
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: Retro melodies, futuristic analog synths, vintage beats and neon nostalgia in this latest installation of our popular series. Synthwave 3 contains 1.4GB+ of drum machine grooves, epic arpeggios, lush pads and emotive chords, combining action-packed soundtracks and cinema.
For complete control over all the elements contained in this pack, we’ve included 2 Ableton Sampler Racks and 4 Ableton FX Racks – dive even deeper into this collection with macro-assigned functions and fx chains for top-notch creative control. All elements of this pack have been designed for maximum character, width and punch with unsurpassed quality. Synthwave 3 is ready to inspire your next retro project.

Content :
1367 x 24 bit Wav files
149 x MIDI Files
2 x Ableton adg Sampler Racks
4 x Ableton adg FX racks
20 x Reveal Sound Spire presets
27 x Xfer Records Serum presets
Drum Hits:
75 x Claps
95 x Cymbals (crash and ride)
90 x Hats
80 x Kicks
70 x Percussion
85 x Snares
90 x Toms
5 Custom Kits for Maschine 2, Battery 4, Kong, EXS24 and Ableton Drum Rack
5 Sampler Formats for Kontakt, NN-XT, EXS24 and Ableton Drum Rack

Installing presets

Method 1:
Copy the bank file to C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\RevealSound\Banks and then in the menu–>select bank tool itself select the bank of interest
Method 2:
In the tool itself: menu–>import bank (indicate in the window where the bank file is located) and then menu–>select bank select the bank of interest

Copy presets folder to C:\Users\USER NAME\Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets\Presets
with noises (if any) in C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets\Noises
with tables (if any) in C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets\Tables

Dank aan de originele spotter, heb deze zelf niet getest, gebruik en meenemen op eigen risico.

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