Post Description
Q-ImageUploader Pro creates fast photo and image uploaders based on Flash.
You need it, if you want to equip your site with the ability of bulk photo uploading.
If you develop a photo hosting service, social network, dating site, image printing service, e-shop and have to allow your clients upload lots of photos with a single click, then Q-ImageUploader is for you.
Being essentially easy to deploy and configure, the tool saves a lot of developer time and effort.
Multiple images uploading
Propose your users a good and fast mass image upload.
Automatic client-side image resize, compression and rotation
Set resizing and compressing limits in the application and allow users to upload to server compressed images only. This feature can substantially reduce traffic, uploading time, and server disk space requirements.
General Files Uploader and Image Uploader Pro templates
General Files Uploader templates are simple and have basic functionality. Image Uploader Pro templates are more customizable and give you more control and features.
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