<< WIN Higurashi When They Cry *2010*
Higurashi When They Cry *2010*
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://mangagamer.com/allages/Titles/Details/DB2324F5-8829-455B-B75B-93C14A560794/higurashi-when-they-cry
Sender Bombvis
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Post Description

* Welcome to the world of Higurashi When They Cry.

Welcome to the village of Hinamizawa, the 58th year of Shouwa, June.
You will enjoy your stay in this village through the eyes of the
protagonist of the story.

Maebara Keiichi has only just moved to Hinamizawa.
The village is recovering from its battle against the dam's construction,
and now its number of residents is increasing as it welcomes newcomers.

As a newcomer, Keiichi has no friends in this town, and so he feels lonely.
But his classmates won't just let him hang.
Soon, Keiichi finds himself enjoying a cheerful existence in their company.

* Higurashi When They Cry is a sound novel.

The format of this product is a sound novel.
The music, backgrounds and characters work together to create a world that
is the stage of a novel for the user to read.
They laugh and cry and get angry. The user takes the point of view of the
protagonist to experience the story.

An important point to note here is the absence of what is commonly called
choices and forks.
This means that you are freed from the tedious saving and loading, the
searching for events and routes, and can instead enjoy the story from the
beginning to the end.

Nevertheless, this is a game, not a novel.
As the player, you will be able to unravel the mystery surrounding the
events in the game as the scenarios unfold.

You can ponder on the nature of the mystery by yourself when you're on the
train, you can discuss it with your friends, you can search for clues on
the Internet or you can even file complaints on the circle's website. The
choice is yours.

This is Higurashi When They Cry, a *** murder themed sound novel that
doesn't offer you any choices, but does offer you the opportunity to search
for the truth yourself.
Will you fear? Will you become engrossed? Will you face the challenge? Only
you can decide how to enjoy the story.

NOTE: This game includes chapters 1-4

Gespot in:
- a.b.ath
- a.b.illuminaten
- a.b.mom

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