<< DivX The Curious Female (1970)
The Curious Female (1970)
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GenreScience Fiction
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://imdb.com/title/tt0123770/
Sender dr.Thod
Tag SleazeCinema Midnightmovies        
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Post Description

GESPOT IN: alt.binaries.sleazemovies

Video Aspect Ratio...: 4:3
Format.........: avi
compression.......: xvid
Languages.............: English
Subtitles.........: no
Size.................: 896mb
cover.................: No

Compression Format...: Split ISO (QuickPar)
Recovery: Par2
Parity Files.........: 5%


The Curious Female evolves around a futuristic (Year 2157) cultist society of moviegoers, whom gather secretly to watch old, prohibited works; as it happens, generally anything from the old world is forbidden by 'Master Computer' and therefore enforced by the laws of the time. This gathering of toga-wearing movie enthusiasts, entwined in emphatic orgiastic embrace, soon settle to watch their latest slice of Hollywood, acquired by Liana (Bunny Allister), their female host, accompanied by her male companion, Jorel (David Westberg).

Their evening's viewing, introduced as "The Three Virgins" is described as a moralistic view of the old world &#150; An era perceived to cling to the ideals and principles of marriage &#150; Which essentially transports us back (relatively speaking) to a "Hi-Tech" dating agency, set in modern day Los Angeles, which utilises the same actors/actresses again to great effect!

While much of the Curious Female is seen through the sometimes raunchy, soft-core lens of "The Three Virgins", the film is nonetheless punctuated with a periodic return (Between reel changes) to the future, while our cultists ask questions, like that of children about the world they have seen on film. "What is a Virgin"? one woman asks, while another questions "Marriage" in the same manner. These discussions induce shock and provide insight for the viewer, as the moral and ethical state of this very restrictive, Romanesque futuristic society unravels itself in brief, narrative exchanges...

Although very cheaply made and extremely dated in tone, this 1969 effort from Paul Rapp (The Wild Angels (1966), The Trip (1967), Boxcar Bertha (1972)) is extremely well executed and does occasionally contain elements of sheer brilliance, though perhaps a second viewing may be the only way of revealing these narrative subtleties! Made at a time when computers were perhaps just beginning to eek into the mainstream fabric of industrialised civilization, there is a prevailing sense of hysteria being depicted here, perhaps suggesting that we might one day rely on computers a bit too much &#150; Emphasised in no small part by the futuristic 'all-seeing' prohibitive eye of Master Computer (an early Big Brother metaphor?) and the dating machine, seen here to over-load when prompted for some data!

In relation to the futuristic segments of this film, one might argue that constantly eroding boundaries of previously unacceptable sexual relationships, marriage and other formerly illicit practices within our own society might one day lead to such a future, though this is indeed a stretch of the imagination; within this context however, the restrained mastery of the Curious Female, whether intentional or otherwise, does occasionally shine&#133;

Despite being an admittedly average film, The Curious Female brims positively with 60's psychedelic euphoria and is, by all accounts, incredibly hard to find here in the UK! It's obscure, one-time video release, compliments of Iver Film Services (circa 1981) being it's only lease of life here.

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